Ono Island Homes and Land For Sale August 15th | Orange Beach, Alabama
Posted by Meredith Amon on
Ono Island Homes and Land For Sale August 15th | Orange Beach, Alabama
Status MLS # Original Price Price Class Property Type Address Subdivsn or Commnty Condo Unit # City Area BD FB HB Lvg Area DOM Remarks CDOM
A 341642 $119,000.00 $99,000.00 LD RES 0 Pine Court Ono Island Orange Beach Orange Beach 2 187 Cul-de-sac lot on Ono Island! Lot has been under-brushed and what's left is beautiful sand oaks and palmetto trees. Short distance to Ono Recreational Center which offers tennis, indoor/outdoor pool, and workout room. 576
A 340955 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 LD RES Lot 135 River Rd Ono Island Orange Beach Orange Beach 1 202 A Class…Prime…Residential lot…Welcome to Ono Island! Known to be the Creme de le Creme of Orange Beach, AL. Build the perfect…
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